Everybody but Dawn ignore

Dawn – I took your code and pasted it in the HTML tab and it looks OK to me. Is this what you want?

I have so many basic needs I need to attend to (like eat, sleep, pee, not necessarily in that order) and I still need to work. So I’ll make this a weird post, where you get to see my part of the dialogue with a friend. Because I don’t have time to polish a post, but… I want to skip, and chant “I’ve got a boyfriend” like a silly schoolgirl! Right, don’t judge, it’s just some words thrown on a screen… But I am still on a little puffy cloud today, even though I haven’t slept nearly enough to take me through the day! There is much more to come about last night, but that’s all I have time for right now. I just want to climb on the highest mountain and shout my love!

He’s just left.

We did much more than talk, but we did that as well.

I almost told him 10 times I love him.

But I said it with other words 🙂


Who shaved who?…

Ha… so much for an early night… 🙂

Now it’s time for you to sleep


Lol! That’s what he said too!

And he said he didn’t mind the hair, and he didn’t mind shaving me. Whichever I preferred.

And then he took me in his arms and…

I could almost hear him say “I don’t mind one way or the other, as long as it’s you”

My bed is soooo wet!

There was a towel on the bed. It just wasn’t enough!

Now… even through a folded one, I can sense the cool wetness

I’ll have to sleep on the other side!

Ah, his smell, his taste… 🙂

HIs presence


I slept well, even if for a short time!

How about you?

I thought hard about showering this morning but went against it.

I want to keep him in me as long as possible.

Did I tell you I basically told him I love him? You know the words I used in my Human post? I said that to him. That it doesn’t matter what I’d forgotten about him. Because what mattered was here and there, (touching his heart and head)

I sent him both my post (just changed the word ‘love’ for ‘feelings’ for the Dancer), and I also sent him your dare.

Yesterday, we discussed the Bouncer. I mentioned he seemed sort of jealous. And that I almost wanted to tell him “You realise I’m with someone, right?”, though it’s a difficult thing to say to someone you’re in the middle of fucking, isn’t it?

I did use these same words with The Dancer. He seemed to welcome them

You know, last night, it really felt like he was screaming “I love you” to me the whole time!

The fact he was saying repeatedly he should have come earlier

The fact he told me it was good to be there

The fact he was so happy to see me, the way he made love to me.

All of it… Sigh!

Still on a little cloud!

He loves me!


He does…

I knew he did…

Are you still seeing him on Wednesday?


I think so, unless something awful happens…

He asked me when we were seeing each other again (that’s as he was leaving. First time in a long time, if not ever, that he’s asked me this)

I told him “you told me Wednesday” and laughed

[NDLR That’s when I’d told him I had some spotting following a Pap smear and he’d cancelled our date yesterday night, rearranged it for Wednesday night. Then… he asked if he still could come for a chat, even before I’d sent him the email saying I was disappointed we’d cancelled because the spotting was over. It was supposed to be a Mon or Wed… turned into a Mon and Wed]

He laughed too, asked “Next Wednesday?”

“No I have my kids.”

“Ok, so I’ll come visit you in my firefighter’s gear” [Yes, he’s also a volunteer firefighter]. So… he’s coming!

And we’re also going to do something sexy together, not next weekend but the one after.

Did I tell you I said to him I wanted to tell The Bouncer I’m with him?

[NDLR: Yes, I have a post to write about that night too, and yes, lots happened, as you could read in my last post… I don’t know when I’ll get around to writing it though]

and he seemed to accept it, think of it in those terms too?

Didn’t seem offended in the least, not even surprised…


Such a brave girl and such a reward x

Well deserved


Yes, I felt bold last night


No… really… you do surprise me x

[NDLR considering the fact that I didn’t dare send a note she’d dared me to send, because it was basically telling him ‘I love you’… yes, I felt bold. Should I say that I did send the quote to him today?]


See, the thing is… he came to see me even though there was a high chance that nothing would happen, just so we could chat about my good news and my evening last night.

When I asked him if he minded chatting in my bed because my living room was nowhere fit to receive visitors, he sent me a ‘no problem’ back, with a smiley…

I have a boyfriend, it’s now official, even if the words weren’t used, it’s how he feels and how I feel and we both know it.

Sunday, during the movies, I felt this tremendous need to be with him, wanted to share this with him.

And yesterday, I told him I thought of him throughout the movie and he wasn’t really surprised, simply asked me why?

I said I wanted to share it, it was so beautiful and touched me so.

And he said “then we’ll go back to the movies together”

Then I described it to him, and… we are on the same page on all of it, and we managed to laugh at some things…

And we both opened up so much!

I want to skip around and singsong “I have a boyfriend”



You have absolutely won his heart


Can I admit that I was slighlty wary yesterday night?

When he said “can I still come to chat…”

I feared he was going to tell me something along the lines of ‘this is over’

I know, silly me!

But then, when he said he should leave me so I got enough sleep, since I needed to get up early for work, I held him tighter, I told him having him near me makes up for any lack of sleep, and he stayed.

About LarryArcher

Larry Archer's the name, smut's my game. I am a writer of erotic literature that's generally always HEA (Happily Ever After), which typically involves no regrets sex. I write in a humorous style with a plot and suitable for reading with one hand. My stories are full of sexual situations that are often taken straight from our swinger lifestyle in Las Vegas. If you want to enjoy erotica, where every page is dripping with action, give me a try.
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7 Responses to Everybody but Dawn ignore

  1. Dawn D says:

    YES!! 🙂

    So why doesn’t it show properly on my blog? What did you do to it?

    (and THANK YOU!) 🙂

    Next question… how do I get it into the proper post on my blog?

    And I’m going to bed, so I’ll probably see this tomorrow 😉


  2. I simply just copied the text from your email, started a new post, switched to the HTML tab, and pasted the text I copied in the HTML tab. Then switched to the Visual tab to view it.

    If you can delete the original post and copy the text into a new post that would possibly work. Otherwise try editing the original text in the HTML tab and deleting everything you see then pasting in the text.

    If you don’t want to put it in a new post because the date will cause it to post in the wrong place, you can change the posting date/time so that it will display properly.


    • Dawn D says:

      My concern isn’t so much the date but losing the comments that go with the post. Granted, most of them being about the formatting… I shouldn’t worry so much about losing them 😉

      Right, I’ll look into it tomorrow 🙂
      Good night Larry, and thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I didn’t think about the comments but if you have saved a copy of the entire message, then click the Edit link, switch to HTML tab and delete everything. Then copy and paste the text from my post of your post into your Visual tab.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dawn D says:

        Not working 😦
        I tried it both from the admin page and the ‘blue’ page. I selected everything, deleted it (in the HTML tab, and there was nothing left), then copied the text from the email you received… and it’s still doing weird things.
        I’m giving up for tonight.
        If a stroke of genius were to come over you during the night… I’ll look at it in the morning 🙂


  3. That’s sweet of you Larry 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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