Company Benefits

Our hero, Reggie, finally makes salesman of the year. The promotion includes a new office on the top floor of his company office building. They manufacture heavy equipment, such as bulldozers and snowplows.

Off-limits to all worker bees, the top floor of their skyscraper is covered with thick carpet, glass-walled offices, and administrative assistants straight out of Penthouse or Hustler if you tend to be more in the gutter. He discovers to his delight that executives are treated like royalty and afforded every perk desired.

Reggie’s only job is to sell heavy equipment, and assistants handle everything else. What Reggie didn’t realize was that his employer had a special department called “Triple S.” Triple S or Spousal Support Services’ job was to take care of the wives left alone as their jet-setting husbands roamed the world selling bulldozers.

The company knew that a happy wife means a happy life or, more correctly, a happy salesman who makes more money for the company.

Reggie boards the company jet to fly off to Buffalo and get their signature on a two hundred and fifty million dollar snowplow contract. At the same time, Triple S shows up at home to take care of his wife, June.

While he’s frolicking with the flight attendants, June is watching the tight buns of the pool boy taking care of business with his long pole. The pool girl blows in Jane’s ear and explains all of the benefits she’ll be enjoying courtesy of Reggie’s employer. Complete satisfaction is guaranteed, and no hole is left unfilled.

Company Benefits is available in both electronic and paperback from these fine retailers:

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